Smissmas 2018 - Day 2
Welcome to the second day of Smissmas 2018!
Today's Contest: Best Poem
This time, we challenge you to write a poem about TF2! (yes, a poem.)
4× Mann Co. Tour of Duty Ticket - 1 Winner
How to Enter:
Reddit: Post a submission that has “smissmasday2” in the title.
Google+: Make sure to post in the Self-Made category. Include the hashtag #smissmasday2 in your post for your entry to be counted.
(Only one submission per person. Submissions must be original. A submission that breaks the community rules won't be counted.)
Submissions are no longer being accepted.Winner:
Gandhi the Terrible (Nuclear Gandhi)
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I wrote this poem
Just for you
It is shit
Just like your skills
You can't even get
A five streak of kills
I am a fucking
US Marine
My aim is unlike
Any you've seen
I'll headshot your Medic
From across the map
Then taunt in his killcam
And call him crap
I'm an Anger Sniper
You're all outclassed
My hats are amazing
And yours look like ass
Today's Server Event:

Zombie Fortress on the community server!
Join the server by clicking on the following link, or by typing in the IP: