The Team Fortress 2 community on Google+ has been a
friendly and welcoming place for
English speakers only many to post
irrelevant and stolen spam all sorts of content and get a guaranteed slew of +1s. Even though our members have all sorts of different backgrounds, we all have a common interest in TF2 - along with some common habits. We reshare things that were posted just the day before, share our
mostly excellent fan art, and argue about cartoon horses, but thankfully still make new friends in the process. We are here to celebrate this community reaching the milestone of
5,000 members. Over the years we've grown so much as a group, and frankly deserve a damn medal for managing to govern ourselves with two barely active admins and a server
that still hasn't been officially endorsed by said admins. Our group on SteamThe community's server's websiteVisit the community on G+