Smissmas 2018 - Day 1
Welcome to the first day of Smissmas 2018!
By Old Nick's repulsive armpits' sake! Is that what I think it is? Is that a peaceful, calm and endearing week full of family friendly joy? Are those festive socks filled to the brim with harmless plushies and interactive toys? Sickening! Not on our watch!
Drop your hippie traditions and embrace the brutality of a God-blessed Smissmas as it should be! Make sure to burn those cursed socks and all their contents, for duty calls, and the only right answer is "Yes, sir!": TF2Ware! Art contests! Weapon ideas! Memes! Other things that I don't quite remember at this precise instant! And even more! From the 26th to the 30th of December, throw away your holiday spirit and replace it with good old bloodthirst and confrontation, for Smissmas 2018 has just started!
Today's Contest: Best MS Paint Drawing
Today, we challenge you to make your best TF2-related drawing, using Microsoft Paint! (or a similar 2D drawing program that uses a mouse)
Two Mann Co. Tour of Duty Tickets for one winner! (Don't worry, they will only get better from here)
How to Enter:
Reddit: Post a submission that has “smissmasday1” in the title.
Google+: Make sure to post in the Self-Made category. Include the hashtag #smissmasday1 in your post for your entry to be counted.
(Only one submission per person. Submissions must be original. A submission that breaks the community rules won't be counted.)
Submissions are no longer being accepted.Winner:
“pyrosdrawing.png” by Xeno

Today's Server Event:
TF2Ware on the community server!
Join the server by clicking on the following link, or by typing in the IP: